Mr Goh Kim Sin is the founder of Teck Lee Seng (TLS). In 1969, he gave up his job to help establish his family’s fledgling coffee business. The company began to market and sell its coffee to the local Kuching population, delivering the coffee by hand. The business began to grow under his nurture and the rest, as they say, is history.

In the 45 years since we started, the name of Teck Lee Seng has become synonymous with classic local coffee. The symbol every Malaysian has come to know like an old friend is CAP TANGAN the cornerstone of our brand. This “thumbs up” logo is like family. Inspired by early customers giving the thumbs up and saying “ho lim!” (“great taste!”), today CAP TANGAN is in almost every kitchen shelf. It has become a symbol of comfort, taste, family.


Walk into any local kopitiam in Kuching and the legacy of Mr Goh and the Teck Lee Seng brand everywhere. Throughout the decades, using forward-thinking management and great foresight in succession planning that involved his family; Mr Goh grew the coffee business into the home grown local giant that it is today. The business has also expanded to Sibu, Miri, KK, Sandakan, Tawau and continues to multiply.

Today, Teck Lee Seng is as much a 21st-Century coffee company as any big international brand. Its biggest strength is that it retains that local touch, that local flavour, that high quality that people have come to know and love for generations. How?

We have incorporated elements of high technology, quality control and repeated sensory tests that meet with certified quality assurance so that the original Teck Lee Seng coffee taste will never disappear.